Monday, October 7, 2013

Instructional Methods

Below are a list of terms that will help in the instructional method of learning the tools of navigating and downloading apps on the IPAD.

Demonstration - an individual performs a procedure in order to highlight an important principle or process. demonstrations show students how to do a task well as why, when, and where it is done (Why-to help them learn diff apps, when- during school time, where-in the classroom under teacher supervision)
Discussion - is a dynamic method that encourages classroom interaction and actively involves students in learning
Cooperative Learning - involves small groups of students working together to learn collaborative and social skills while working toward a common academic goal or task
Below is a link to assist in downloading apps on the IPAD. 

How it Works...The Rubric


First students need to create an idea and have it approved by teacher. Students are to create a proposal of what type of learning app they would like to download and use for educational gain. 

Students must evaluate the app and weigh the pros and cons of both. There should be a list compiled of different ways in which the app can help and also anything that does not seem beneficial. 

After the app has been evaluated, students must apply what know in order to use the app. This is the step where students actually use the app for their benefit and are able to see if the app work properly. 

Students must describe and explain the app and how they were able to navigate it as well as what they were able to learn from it. Understanding the concept demonstrates that technology is effective in the classroom and that students can learn in non-traditional ways. 

Learning Goals, Objectives, & Learning Activities

Goals & Objectives

  • To assist students in properly downloading educational apps on the IPAD
  • Teach students how to use the keynote application effectively

     Learning Activities

    • Students will learn to use technology as a way to demonstrate their academic skills 
    • Students will learn to connect IPADS to the smart board 
    • Students will learn to use the Pages Application with assistant from teacher

Introduction & Welcome

Welcome!! My name is Mrs. Sloan. I enjoy teaching and have a passion for implementing new ideas in schools and classrooms. Have you ever wondered what would happen if the technologically advanced world were to catch up with the youth of today's society? I believe that students in middle school, that is grades 6th- 8th have the potential to effectively use IPADS in their classrooms to download educational apps as well as learn how to create an essay using the Pages Application. Look out for the next blog about learning goals and objectives!